Powdered curcumin supplements (the type you see everywhere) are too difficult for your body to absorb on its own, essentially a waste of your money. To make curcumin bioavailable, manufacturer's need to either:
A. Heat it
B. Change its pH level
C. Use an oil-based delivery.
Options A and B just aren't possible without killing the good stuff that curcumin's known for. And option C? Most supplement manufacturers simply don't have the technology to produce an oil-based curcumin supplement.
So why the oil? Since curcumin is what's called "fat-soluble" it has to be delivered with a fat source, so that you can get enough of it into your bloodstream to get the health benefits you want. But when it comes to bioavailability, not just any fat will do. We use black cumin seed oil because its "essential fatty acids" allow your body to absorb the curcumin, and it further supports your body's healthy immune and inflammatory responses too. In fact, black cumin seed oil may be the most compatible ingredient to curcumin in existence. Black cumin (Nigella sativa) is one of the oldest plants cultivated on earth. There are over 600 studies showing the health benefits of black cumin seed oil